i was always expecting something to pop out somewhere. lol. "hush hush hush. here comes the boogieman. don't let him come too close to you, he'll catch you if he can" what was up with the song though?
i was always expecting something to pop out somewhere. lol. "hush hush hush. here comes the boogieman. don't let him come too close to you, he'll catch you if he can" what was up with the song though?
i love it
it's the perfect ggame, oh and for those wondering, to find the dinosaurs listed in the 5th medal, you need the time arrows at lvl 3 and shoot the first age enemies, they will become dinosaurs, kill them, your welcome. awesome game
lololololololololollololololololololo lolololololololololololololollolololo lolololololololololololololololololol ololololololololololololololololololo lololololollololololollololololololol olololoplolollololoolollololololololo lollolololololololololololoololololol olololololololololol! omg! that was thd funnest, funniest thing i've ever seen!
i love it
everything about it except one tthing, your idea of the form of a dragon is too...... american. the whole dinosaur type dragon, way to common type. a dragon is more of a serpent. hell, some dragons are flyingg forms of other mystical beings. some have the heads of fowl, some of firce cats, some are shaped like serpents with wings and feet, some have no wings and fly merely by magic. something to think about there yup. i LOVE everything else though
they say tthat,
Chuck Norris was born in a log cabin, that he built.
you know the movie anaconda?
it was filmed in chuck norris' pants
awesome game
i just can't get the lazers to fire
you can't beat the last dude
you just can't, between the powerpuffirls flying around shooting at you, and his double attack, which i found a way to dadge the second one, and the fact that it's so hard to get a hit on him, it's nearly impossible, but it's a fun game nontheless
i wish that you could kill satan in real life
oh how i wish you could, no more poverty, no more anger, hate, loathing, war, pain, or evil. lol, diabetes
enjoy the new icon
Joined on 3/8/09