Shadow should really give his elders some respect.
especially when his elders are more than twice his age and still young and still the fastest thing alive!
Shadow should really give his elders some respect.
especially when his elders are more than twice his age and still young and still the fastest thing alive!
cartoons should not be made from video games
examples: the super mario ros super show, the legend of zelda show, sonic x, sonic underground, AoSTH, and SatAM. i still loved the quiz, didn't miss a single question, by the way, the lee question shouldn't be in extreme, it should be in hard.
whoa fuck
website's older than me, by a month
Hahah, right on. :P
great game
but i've been tryin to beat the night mare, but it's kind of hard WHEN THE GIRL TURNS INVISIBLE EVERY TIME SHE GOES TO SLEEP!
it was a good game, but on the very first time i pressed and arrow key, it got stuck, and i kept oing riht and i couldn't do anything about it, nothing......, so plz fix that
EVERY MINUTE! know what i would love? if someone made kind of a fast-paced, action, music video from this, like with a son that start's slow then et's fast, so it'd be like, first it could be Nera falling into the new world and meeting the high priestess, then etitng the swords and fighting the aquwolves or whatever their called, then kinda drawl on that for thirty seconds, then have her run by the rabites carving them down, then meet gelyan and they work together and fight the rabites, then the hobears, and kinda drawl ut till the song gget's to an epic part to fight queen bean, then skip straight to sisi, and have her blaze through the cloudhoppers, and fmeet emi, then to shackpots qand right out again after a five second scene, then out into the feilds and have them blaze through the yeti's and armlus, and yadda yadda, you et the point, that would be EPICNESS PERFECTION!
i got to the moon in 9 days
and to mars in 11. lol, i'm speedy. speaking of speedy, Sonic would be PO'd at you guys for making this if he ever saw it, so yeah, watch your backs
this is my worst nightmare
i hope it never happens. *shudder* it would be so quick... i mean. all it would take is one town's inorance. they all et infected and move from town to town. t=idiots with bite marks would get on trans continental airlines.... the world would be infected.... or maybe not. if they destroyed it before it got one town, we could be safe. and how would it get in one person anyway? wouldn't they need to be bitten? how would it get in even one person if that's the only way it could be transfered. but still. it's a scary thought
enjoy the new icon
Joined on 3/8/09